The startup experience inside our company

The Startup Inside group is a leading ecosystem of experts in open innovation, AI and intrapreneurship operating in four countries to help Fortune 500 companies in their digital transformation.

By relying on a large ecosystem of experts in innovation, design, digital and Intrapreneurs, Startupinside has been offering for almost 4 years:
- accompaniment of project managers, including training programms and acceleration
- experiences and programs of participative innovation, enriching your innovation pipeline,
- creation and animation of Open-innovation ecosystems, that gather startups and large companies, but also institutions, research establishments

- inoovative and digital traning sessions about pitch or management of the future

Startup Inside brings together the actors of the artificial intelligence ecosystem in the health, industry and finance sectors by exploiting the AI for Health, AI for Industry and AI for Finance clusters - the latter in partnership with LA PLACE FINTECH


> 6000 entrepreneurs 
and 1500 intrapreneurs

in 10 countries

+ 250 Hackathons, Labs & Acceleration programms

+ 1000 serial entrepreneurs, experts, coachs & scientists

Startup Inside and La Place Fintech

Organize together the Conference dayAI For Finance, in the Palais Brongniart in Paris the 08 september 2020.
An major opportunity to meet major players in the financial sector and the artificial intelligence ecosystem. The banking and insurance industries will share AI use cases through inspiring presentations on concrete application in the CEO phase, commercial and technical masterclasses and the demo area of startups.

Take advantage of a reduction offer as a La Place Fintech member:
- For startups: 30% reduction on your booth
- For coporates : 30% reduction on your booth or on your business masterclass sponsored with your speakers

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